How Mental Trauma Can Manifest Physically

by Nov 16, 2019Blog0 comments

For many people in the mental health profession, the story is tragically familiar. A person who is struggling with mental distress or psychological trauma may begin their wellness journey by going to a doctor to address physical symptoms, but their search yields little to no relief. Aside from the time and energy spent pursuing care that ends up being no help at all, the person may experience increased feelings of anxiety, depression, and even helplessness as they work their way through the medical system on their search for support.

With each passing year, more and more evidence supports the understanding that individuals who are burdened by mental health concerns can experience unexplained physical symptoms that include, discomfort, pain, and other unsettling problems. The root cause of problems such as chronic pain is not always clear, and if your doctor has been unable to provide a clear explanation as to what is causing distress in your body, then taking the time to speak with a therapist may be an important step in the right direction.

As an experienced counselor committed to the lifelong mission of helping people overcome their personal struggles, Christie Jones has helped people throughout the Dallas-Fort Worth, TX area with their mental health concerns. In many cases, the mental and emotional support she has provided to her patients has played a central role in relieving a variety of mysterious physical concerns that they were struggling to overcome.

In many cases, new patients may express doubt or skepticism about how a conversation about their emotional state or mental wellbeing could have any impact on their physical condition. The reality is though, that more and more recorded cases are demonstrating the direct link between mental health and physical relief. To help people get a clearer understanding of how mental health and physical health can directly interact with each other, here are a few examples of how commonly diagnosed mental concerns can directly impact physical systems in the body.

Depression and the Body’s Immune System

As one of the most commonly experienced mental disorders throughout the United States, depression can do much more than impact a person’s mood or motivation. Research has shown that individuals who struggle with depression have suppressed T cell responses within their immune system.

This means that viruses, bacteria, and other harmful entities within the body can impact a person more powerfully. A depressed person can get sick more easily, and stay sick for longer than expected. For individuals with allergies, this connection is even more pronounced as their allergic reactions become even more severe and harmful than expected.

For individuals who may be searching for ways to overcome their feelings of depression, the interconnection between mental and physical symptoms can be a difficult burden. As feelings of illness get in the way of their daily activities, their mental concerns can become more pronounced, and this, in turn, can lead to continued physical illness, creating a worsening cycle that becomes harder and harder to break.

Mental Health and Exhaustion

For individuals who struggle with anxiety, depression, or other mood disorders the feeling of constantly being exhausted or tired can be far too familiar. In many cases, people around them typically respond by saying that they are just imagining these feelings and that getting going will fix everything. According to recent studies, however, there is a genuine link between mental health and physical exhaustion.

Feelings of being drained or fatigued mentally can easily lead to problems with physical health including a lack of energy no matter how much a person many try to rest. Being chronically anxious or depressed can discourage a person from engaging in physical activities or exercise, which again, creates a troubling cycle of worsening symptoms on both fronts.

Speak Out to Break Out

Instead of feeling trapped inside your own mind, reach out to others and seek support. A person’s mental health and wellbeing is a vital part of their overall wellness, and without the proper guidance and understanding, mental health concerns can have a direct impact on everything from daily activities and hygiene to the body’s immune system and core system health.

If you’re struggling with troubling thoughts or know that you have mental health concerns that you’d like to get help with, don’t hesitate to reach out to a professional right away. As an experienced professional, Christie Jones has worked with patients of all ages throughout the DFW Metroplex on a wide variety of concerns, and she is always ready to spend the time to help guide individuals towards a brighter, healthier path in their lives.